Apr 27Liked by Karina Pawlak

Ha ha, by a bizarre twist of timing - I have been putting together my life story (for my daughter more than anything else !) which has been quite the fun ride having been in the rock n roll business all of my life - and just yesterday I was entering a piece about playing at the El Mocambo in Toronto in 1977 !!! It is such a small world that we live in :)

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Indeed! What a coincidence. Or more like a synchronicity. I'm going to try to dig up some pictures from my crazy days.

It is great that you are putting together your history for your daughter. I look back and think how cool it would be if I knew more about my family (grandparents, and great grandparents). I certainly plan to leave a stack of stories for my son.

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Apr 27Liked by Karina Pawlak

I got the idea from my Dad - he had been in the British Army in the war, but he never ever spoke to us about his early life, he just kept it a hidden topic. So I only knew him from the time I was born. I think he felt our thirst for that knowledge and not long before he died, he started writing out his memories of his early life. It opened up such a great story, all of which were things I never knew about him. When he died, I managed to get it printed up into a little book - which we called 'The Life of Jack' - and we scraped up a bunch of photos from the days of the story - and had it ready in time for his funeral - we were proud of getting that done in time, but prouder of what he had done and who he was. I knew then that when my daughter came along (we adopted her from China when she was eighteen months old, so she has zero knowledge of her birthright past) that I had to give her everything I could so she has a thread to follow in life. Luckily I have kept a stack of diaries (remember them ??!) from my early days (quite revealing !) and also have a bag full of paperwork of tours I did and what have you - rock and roll mementos - but from them I am able to rebuild a ton of detail of things I did. When we are in the car and some song from the 70's or 80's (or 90's !) will come on, I will often chirp up with a story about my workings with the band or the song or the studio - I was blessed with being 'in the thick of things' in London during those decades - so I do have a ton of stories !! I know sometimes she rolls her eyes - not another one of Dads stories !! So I determined to actually authenticate the grand story, just so she knows they are for real :) And I have to say I have been absolutely loving the process......I am so far up to the end of 1978 and coming into the excesses (and high points) of the 80's - exciting times to come !!! It's funny but when you start a process like this, and you start scouring around for all the old photos and scraps of paper that show things that happened - it is exhilarating and exciting remembering information long forgotten about those days long ago. I hope I am doing it justice - time will tell !!

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That is really cool what your dad started. It is history being passed on. With time I appreciate my parent's stories. I recall now my grandparents stories, how my grandpa ran from the Germans ( he was Polish). I wish I listened more now. Everything is historical. Your stories are a piece of history. I totally get the look on your daughter's face. There was a pic taken of Slayer doing a pose, and his daughter (Tom Araya's), looking at him like, "dad you are so not cool..." Lol.

I will be writing some of my wild stories here. They are purposely going to be behind a paywall so my son doesn't see them till he is 18. Lol. I second guessed myself with some things, but I think sharing genuine experiences even if they don't show you in the best light, serve to show a certain period of history and of that life. We all learn when we share authentically.

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Jun 25Liked by Karina Pawlak

A small update - I used to manage Wang Chung in their infancy (early 80s) - but have always kept in touch with them - and they happened to be playing close to me last Saturday - so I took my daughter to see them and say hi and all that jazz - and it turns out they have just released a new record (yes I still call them records even though they are not) which was all recorded at El Mocambo quite recently. It is such a ludicrously small world - and I have always been fascinated by the old '7 degrees of separation' concept - it really does seem to hold true if you have the time and mental capacity to follow and research your paths of life !!

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That is really cool. I keep in touch with some people. I bet if we went over a list of people, there would be a handful we met. Some places are totally gone. The Big Bop is gone. The downstairs was called the Kathedral, and I am the one who gave it the name. It started with K because hey, I like the letter K. The owner of the Big Bop now has a place in Etobicoke called the Rockpile. Some of the same people work there.

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Jun 11Liked by Karina Pawlak

So glad to have found your writing. I’m so looking forward to reading and diving into your telos, and these insights. Thank you...

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Thank you.

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