Eureaka! ~ as "I have found it!" was attributed to Archimedes after he understood the principle of buoyancy.

I find more interest in Your personal experience.

I think narrative is more authentic and also the details give clues.

And personal experience is filled with details. When I relate details of my stuff, I have to trim out many distractions.

I just try to get some ideas in some order like this reply. Form not important. Perhaps use a Form you like for Newsletter. I find that if i get to sentences with sensible statements, it is good enough.

Eureka moments are notable for adults. I think this is due to Human brain activity from physical growth and experience. My suspicion is the it is very natural for children to have Eureka moments.

Brain research ('70s tech) has found different frequency and amplitude of brain waves when doing different activities but also between children and adults.

When adults are in Alpha wave, they are usually asleep.

Children are awake and running / playing in Alpha. Young children are practically learning continuously when awake. Adults not nearly learning so much or so fast.

Alpha waves were named that because the amplitude was greater than other frequencies. Perhaps the greater amplitude was needed to help power creation of new neural paths (learning and making a memory in the brain).

Adults also experience Alpha waves.

Meditation adepts have been recorded in Alpha.

Eureka moments...

Once I was working on a problem that was messy and my attempts were dismissed as impossible to succeed.

The reasons were technically sound and already conclusive. Decades of prior research showed i literally had no chance of success.

Why was i trying to do the Impossible ?

The problem was that there was a lot of information that needed to be sorted, and sorting time was close to an Hour.

Way too slow. As in We might not be able to sell our stuff! Serious.

At the time I had a feeling of Intuition. I did not know how and could not explain why I thought faster was possible.

Details: code project site. Search for

"When Sorting Needs To Be Faster"

Be personal and it will show you more of the Devine as well.

Personally i am back to forGL stuff. :)

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I need to read up more about Alpha waves and how they effect our thinking/feeling. Children are so excited about life and have frequent aha moments. Thank you for your insightful feedback.

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