I know what you mean. Once in a while I put out something I think is quite good and I wonder if the internet will respond.

And then it doesn't. And then I'll see some mediocre storytelling with 800 likes and a comment section full of comments like "this is absolutely, wildly incredible. It is not believable how good this is."

And it's like... okay, well then I guess people just respond to what they want to respond to.

I think the hardest part is, people want to be reminded of the same things over and over. That's the content people want. People want to keep reading "social media bad" and "positive affirmations good."

But people like you and me are pushing for something more meaningful than that, so it takes a much longer time to build an audience. We refuse to spoonfeed predictable messages. Because that's fucking boring.

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So true about people wanting to be reminded of "the same things over and over." But it is better to expand than remain on the same plane.

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I think this essay will reverberate among plenty of people, so far that it gets the chance to be seen by enough eyeballs. Many of us (if not all of us) know the feelings you are speaking on. Whatever the case, yes- focus on what you can control and try and have a sense of humor (or apathy) about what you can't.

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I struggled with these feeling for years as an artist. I believe there are people who deliberately steal creativity pieces of all kinds on the regular. I have had so many people obviously copying my art it is pitiful. I let it all go. I don’t care if I never get famous, wealthy, or millions of followers. My mental health is too important to allow myself to get sucked into the lower vibrations of bitterness, anger, jealousy, etc. I wasted energy on that for years. Not anymore. I never thought of writing on this subject. You did a great job here! No need for me to write it. Sharing.

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Thank you very much. Indeed, when I started to let go, I felt better.

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Thanks I'm gonna meditate now 😊

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Sep 12Liked by Karina Pawlak


Please read my poem, "The Solipsistic Clatterfart." It ties in directly with this piece and gave me the opportunity to do a mash-up of Jesus and AA


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Will do!

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